• Welcome to b3's first blog!

    • b3 jobs | Food Manufacturing Blog UK | Food Industry Experts | Specialist Recruitment Agency UKSo, we’ve decided to join the world of blogging, or blogosphere to be precise.  I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think I’d ever read one, let alone write one, until just a couple of weeks ago.  But you know what?  I can see the attraction of them now – well the more interesting ones at least!  There do seem to be quite a few that are just blogs for blogs sake, but then who am I to really judge?  So, should you be reading this, which I sincerely hope you are, I would just like to say that if we haven’t got something interesting and relevant to blog about, then we won’t!  And if we do, then tell us!

      I do however like to think that we will be able to maintain a steady rate of interesting, relevant and slightly humerous blogs.  I have all sorts of ideas, although very little time, but as a sneak preview I can tell you there will be blogs about the worst CV’s I have seen, and I’ve seen a lot, what not to do in an interview, which should make you laugh, as well as more helpful blogs about moving jobs and the like.  We might even put our pay day quiz into a blog…

      In the meantime (watch this space) I would like to point you towards the b3 team – there are even photos of us all!  As a company involved within the people business, I always think that by not putting your photo online, and sometimes not even your name, then you have something to hide, or maybe you’re not actually real!  However, since we are such a nice bunch, you can not only see exactly what we look like, but also learn a bit about us as individuals. 

      So, there you go.  Short and sweet.  Should you have a subject that you’d like to see blogged then please do get in touch – likewise if you’d like to comment on any of our blogs, then please do – we would love to hear from you!  Keep on blogging…

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